Monday, January 18, 2010

Get Motivated Monday

OK, last week stunk for me. I had two sick kids, an ER trip, and overall LACK OF SLEEP (and lack of posts, as I'm sure you noticed...) So, needless to say, my computer desk still looks like a bomb went off!

This week, in addition to attempting to start and finish last weeks challenge, I will attempt to:

Get caught up on filing and paperwork in general. Tax season is right around the corner and quite frankly stuff around here is a mess.

Hope that you can get your paperwork organized too! If you have any great filing systems, please, please, please, share them with us (me)!!!

Have a great week! (I'm off to conduct a breathing treatment...)

1 comment:

  1. Hope everyone is feeling better soon!! As far as organizing papers... I have a filing cabinet. The top drawer is filled with old paperwork (that I probably could shred) filed very neatly. The bottom drawer is filled with new paperwork (last 3-4 years) that is just laying in the drawer NOT filed. I need to organize but have ZERO motivation.
