Friday, September 4, 2009

Garage Sales and Farmers Markets

Hi Everyone! Wanted to take a few moments to share with you tonight.

Today the kids, God, and I went garage sale-ing. God, you ask? Absolutely. You see I have a growing boy who is VERY tall for his age and also very skinny. I needed adjustable waist pants in good condition for school. I had $20 cash and no newspaper. My internet newspaper hadn't updated for the morning and no garage sales were listed. I hopped in the car and verbally said, "Lord, I have $20. Grant needs pants. Show me where to go."

I know you think I'm nuts here, but yes, I literally said that. Started toward the nicer part of town. Whipped my car a hard right at the 4th sign I saw (don't know why, just felt right.) Pulled up to a house with boys clothes sized 4,5,6 slim, with adjustable waists. All were in great condition, some hardly faded. Nothing was priced, so I took a deep breath and asked. .50/each! Are you kidding, me, Lord! We left with a large bag-full of adjustable waist pants, jammies, sweats and shirts, 3 books, brand-new flashcards, and a BUZZ Lightyear toy (G's new obsession) for $13!!!!

I would just publicly like to say, "Thanks God, for meeting me where I am to meet my needs. You watch out for the sparrows and I know You watch out for me and mine. I love how You love me! Amen."

We also had the Farmers Market today. It was customer appreciation night and the crowd was nice. The weather was perfect. But a lot of the farmers weren't selling much...

I want to encourage you, friends. Now is the time to buy that bushel of tomatoes to freeze for winter. I have already frozen a TON of green beans and corn off the cob. This will increase your stockpile and help with future meal planning.

If you talk to the farmers and want quantity, they will usually make you a deal. It doesn't take much time to prepare veggies for winter and directions are easy to find on the internet. If the farmers can't sell their produce to you, it will turn into compost (or waste). Use this time to support your local community farmers and buy LOCAL. Remember, NO FARMS=NO FOOD.

Thanks for listening! Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Yay God! He really does know all our needs and fulfills them all, even the ones that seem mundane. Love it!
    Thanks for the tip on the Farmer's Market. We have one down the road that I have been wanting to visit and now sounds like a good time. Especially since our corn didn't produce well!
