Saturday, September 26, 2009

Pantry Organization - Check!

After posting my challenge on Monday, I decided to get started organizing my main pantry, which is housed in a old closet. Each shelf is labeled so there is no confusion as to where everything should go... Here are the results, shelf by shelf:

SNACK SHELF: fruit snacks, crackers, cookies and anything snacky!

BAKING SHELF: everything for baking, includes marshmallows, frostings, food coloring, chips, and mixes.

BOXED SHELF: pasta (+ sauce), helpers, and boxed meals

TOP SHELF: breakfast items; including cereal, oatmeal, pop tarts, and granola bars + all drink mixes

NEW & IMPROVED OVER-THE-DOOR STORAGE: holds all condiments, mac and cheese, pouches, and the like.

Now, I know what I HAVE, what I can GIVE, and how to PLAN my meals :) (I just love my labels too...
How did you stack up to the challenge?

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