Saturday, August 29, 2009

September's Stockpile Challenge

Well, here we are, September. You are staring me in the face. And, with you comes (1) preschool tuition payments (2) YMCA class payments (3) and our 10th wedding anniversary. Oh, and did I mention 3 glorious weeks of my DH not teaching? (This is great for family time, by the way, but a little tight on the purse strings...)

SO, I am issuing myself a challenge. You have all seen the enormousity (not a word, I know) of my stockpile, right? (If not, check back a few posts.) I will live off of this stockpile for the entire month of September while following our monthly meal plan. I will cut my weekly grocery budget from $55 to $25. (Yes, folks that is $100 for the month.) I will allow myself perimeter purchases such as dairy, lunchmeat and produce and a few neccessities as needed (pull-ups, bleach powder, etc.)

Now we all know that there is a SUPER double coming up this week at KMart. I'll be honest with you all, this is about killing me right now! Mark and I discussed and I am still going to participate but I will be VERY SELECTIVE in my shopping and will aim to spend no more than $40 OOP. (I am going to need to carry a calculator with me in the store, people!)

So, my totals for September should be $100 for grocery items and no more than $40 for the stockpiling that I will do at KMart. OK, there it is in black and white. Now, who is going to keep me accountable? Please help me, friends!!! I can't do this alone. (Lord, I can do all things through me this month, please.)

Hopefully this will get us on a good start toward saving for Christmas and help us have a nice anniversary. Happy anniversary, dear, these 10 years have been good and we've certainly learned a lot - hoping the next 50 will be even better as we strive to "live like no one else!" Love you!

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